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Chinese translation for "pacific standard time"


Related Translations:
pacific:  adj.1.和平的,太平的;平时的。2.爱好和平的,(性质)温和的。3.〔P-〕太平洋的。短语和例子mild pacific breezes 温和的微风。 the P- (Ocean) 太平洋。 the P- slope 〔美国〕太平洋沿岸各州〔Sierra Nevada 及 Sierra Madre 以西〕。adv.-ically
pacific blockade:  【国际法】平时封锁。
pacific rim:  太平洋地区(诸国)。
Example Sentences:
1.The time of the event 13 : 23 is local to the computer pacific standard time in this case , and the
事件的时间( 13 : 23 )是计算机本地的(在本例中是太平洋标准时间)时间,而
2.Represents the signed time zone offset of your system from greenwich mean time measured in hours and minutes . for example , the offset for a computer in the pacific standard time zone is " - 08 : 00 "
偏移量总是显示为带有前导或尾随符号(零显示为“ + 00 : 00 ” ) ,指示早于格林威治时间( + )或迟于格林威治时间( - )的小时数。
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